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여태 먹어본 성게 중 1등
다른 것도 맛있지만 성게에서 단맛이 나요. (Translated by Google) The best sea urchin I've ever had. The other things are delicious, but the sea urchin has a sweet taste.




진짜 친절하시고 여태 먹은 회는 회가 아니구나(?)를 다시금 느끼게 한 곳이에요 분위기도 좋고 현지인들이 많은데도 한국인을 위한 메뉴판이 준비되어있고 직원분들이 진짜 찐찐! 친절하셔서 기분이 너무 좋아요 (Translated by Google) This place was really friendly and made me realize that the raw fish I had eaten so far wasn't raw(?). The atmosphere was nice and even though there were a lot of locals, there was a menu for Koreans and the staff were really helpful! I'm so glad you're kind.

Yunho Lee

Yunho Lee


소라감바스 맛있었음 (Translated by Google) Soragambas was delicious




예약안하고 우연히 돌아다니다가 왔는데 알감자 버터 , 게살 고로케, 이시카야 밥 다 맛있었습니다

분위기도 완전 좋고 직원분들고 정말 친절하세요!!!
현지인분들도 많고 음식들도 괜찮습니다 추천!!!!!
다음에 또 오고싶네요 ☺️ (Translated by Google) I happened to wander around without making a reservation, and the egg butter, crab meat croquette, and Ishikaya rice were all delicious.

The atmosphere is great and the staff are really friendly!!!
There are a lot of local people and the food is good. Recommended!!!!!
I want to come again next time ☺️




<혼자여행으로 혼술하기 좋은 술집!>

저 맥주잔이 예뻐서 다녀온건데 안주들도 맛있고 혼술하기 좋았어요!
모둠회도 혼자 먹기 좋았고, 계란말이 엄청 푸짐해서 배부르게 먹었어요! 계란말이는 꼭 시켜보세요!
삿포로 혼자여행 하시는 분들에게도 추천해요! 1인 카운터석도 꽤 많아서 추천해요!
그리고 사장님이 친절하셔서 스몰토크도 해주시고 감사했어요!
점퍼까지 보관서비스 해주셔서 서비스 만땅 받으면서 혼술 하게 됐던거 같습니다~! 삿포로 가면 또 갈 의향 있어요 (Translated by Google)

I went because that beer glass was pretty, and the snacks were delicious and great for drinking alone!
The assorted raw fish was good to eat alone, and the egg rolls were so generous that I was full! Be sure to order egg rolls!
I also recommend it to those traveling to Sapporo alone! There are quite a few counter seats for one person, so I recommend it!
And the owner was kind enough to give me some small talk, so I was grateful!
They even provided a storage service for my jumper, so I was able to enjoy the service and drink alone~! I intend to go again when I go to Sapporo.




양고기 땡기고 2차로 어디갈까 하다가 구글로 보고 들어갔슴다.
웨이팅 2분 정도 했고 전반적으로 다 맛있었슴다.
직원들 친절했고 한국어 메뉴판 있고👍

아 흡연자분들은 흡연이 좀 빡셉니다.
한명 딱 들어가는 흡연부스 드가서 펴야하는데 반개비 정도 피면 현타와서 밖에 나가서 폈슴다. (Translated by Google) I was craving lamb and was wondering where to go for the second meal, so I looked it up on Google and went in.
The wait was about 2 minutes and overall everything was delicious.
The staff was friendly and there was a Korean menu👍

Ah, smoking is a bit harsh for smokers.
You have to go to a smoking booth that only fits one person, but after smoking about half a cigarette, he comes out and smokes outside.




회 신선하고 맛나요 우니 존맛..
굶고 가서 폭풍 흡입했어요
하이볼 드세요 맛잇어요,,,,
회랑 게살 고로케 추천드립니다
계란말이도 아주 부드러워요 꼭 드셔보세요

한국어 메뉴판을 첨에 보여주십니다
사진찍어두시고 주문하세요~! (Translated by Google) The raw fish is fresh and delicious. It tastes so good..
I went hungry and inhaled a storm.
Have a highball, it’s delicious,,,,
I recommend the clover crab meat croquette.
The egg rolls are also very soft. Be sure to try them.

The Korean menu is shown first.
Take a picture and place your order!

Dee Dee

Dee Dee


Amazing izakaya and I love the ambience and great food must try!

Masashi Ito

Masashi Ito


jumi an

jumi an


워크인으로 방문 성공! 배사 너무 불러서 안주 많리 못시켯지만 개살고로케눈 잔짜 미치게 맛있었고 모듬회도 좋았다! 사케는 추천받앗는데 정말 맛잇었다! (Translated by Google) Successful visit as a walk-in! I didn't get to eat many snacks because I had to order too many people, but the meat croquette was insanely delicious and the raw fish salad was good too! The sake was recommended and it was really delicious!







지하1층에 있습니다.
이른시간이라 그런지 많고 많은 손님중에
한국인은 저 혼자였구요 모든 마스터 포함 직원들이
부담스럽지않게 굉장히 친절하고 섬세합니다
제주에 살면서 낚시를 하고 직접 사시미를 해먹는 사람으로써
모리아와세는 정말 맛있었구요
게살크림고로케 하나 시키려다가 옆테이블 허버버 드시는거 보고 바로 투피쓰 주문 때렸습니다
(영어 하실줄 아는 직원분께서 주문시 “마요네즈 좋아해? 타르타르소스 괜찮아?” 라고 말씀 해주시는 부분도 원래 타르타르 소스 좋아하지만 이부분이 굉장히 좋았습니다)
마지막으로 타마고말이는 아는맛인데도 불구하고 굉장히 부드럽고 맛있습니다 여행중에 이런 맛집 찾는것, 그리고 내 생각대로 맛이 계속 휼륭한 경험으로 다가오는것도 큰 행복인것 같습니다 더 맛보고싶은 음식들이 많았지만 2차를 가려고 배를 비워둬야해서 세가지만 먹었습니다 결론은 강추입니다 (Translated by Google) It is located on the first basement floor.
Perhaps because it was early, there were many customers.
I was the only Korean, and all the employees, including the master,
Very friendly and delicate without being burdensome.
As someone who lives in Jeju, fishes, and cooks sashimi myself,
Moriawase was really delicious.
I was going to order a crab meat cream croquette, but when I saw the table next to me eating it, I immediately ordered two pieces.
(I actually like tartar sauce, but I really liked the part where the English-speaking staff asked, “Do you like mayonnaise? Is tartar sauce okay?” when ordering.)
Lastly, although the taste of tamago roll is familiar, it is very soft and delicious. It is a great happiness to find a restaurant like this while traveling, and to have the taste continue to be as great as I thought. There were many foods I wanted to try more, but I was hungry for a second meal. I had to leave it blank, so I only ate three things. The conclusion is that I highly recommend it.




우연히 알아보고 간곳인데 3박4일 동안 두번 갔어요! 첫날은 9시에 가서 예약안해도 안내해주셨습니다 리뷰에서 본 양고기타다키와 회 그리고 감자버터 시켯어요 ! 너무맛있엇고 입맛까다로운 남편도 너무너무 맛있다고 하네요! 첫날은 늦게가서 그런지 게살고로케는 품절이여서 못먹었어요 ㅠ 가격대비 양은 많이 적은편이지만 오히려 양이적어 여러가지 먹을수 있는게 저는 좋았습니다! 두번째 방문은 6시쯤 방문했는데 8시반에 가능하다했는데 7시반에가서 안내해주셨어요! 게살고로케 무조건 드시구요 타다키 회 무조건 드세요 아니그냥 여기 너무맛있어요 ㅠ 직원분들 친절하고 소라찜? 이것도 맛있습니다! 삿포로 가시는분들께 적극 추천입니다 (Translated by Google) I found this place by chance and went there twice in 4 days and 3 nights! On the first day, I went at 9 o'clock, and even if I didn't make a reservation, they showed me around. I ordered the lamb tataki, sashimi, and potato butter that I saw in the reviews! It was so delicious, and even my husband, who is a picky eater, said it was really delicious! Maybe because I arrived late on the first day, I couldn't eat the crab meat croquette because it was sold out. The portion was quite small compared to the price, but I liked that the portion was small and I could eat a variety of things! The second visit was around 6:00, and they said I could do it at 8:30, but they told me to go at 7:30! Definitely eat the crab meat croquette. Definitely eat the tataki sashimi. No, it's just so delicious here. The staff are friendly and the steamed conches are great! This is also delicious! Highly recommended for those going to Sapporo.




라쿠 비에이투어후 오다마가이드님의 추천과 예약해주셔서 갔는데 너~~~~~무 만족 대만족 했어요 결혼기념여행이었는데
특별한 시간이 되었네요
직원분 모두 미소띄며 친절하게 응대해주시고 음식이 모두 신선했고
사케도 맛있었어요 또 언제 올지는 모르겠지만 가시는분들 참고하시고 맛있는 저녁드세요. 다시 가게되면 꼭 재방문하렵니다. ^^* (Translated by Google) After the Raku Biei Tour, I went on the recommendation of the Odama guide and made a reservation. I was very satisfied. It was a wedding anniversary trip.
It's a special time
The staff all smiled and responded kindly, and the food was all fresh.
The sake was also delicious. I don't know when I'll be back again, but if you're going, take note and have a delicious dinner. If I go again, I will definitely visit again. ^^*





(Translated by Google)
Used at year-end parties.
The store is full! You can see how popular it is.
We started with hot pot dishes, sashimi, and monkfish tempura, which were all very delicious.




맛있게 잘 먹었습니다.
전반적으로 맛있었는데 라무타다끼가 제일 기억에 남네요👍 (Translated by Google) I had a great time eating it.
Overall, it was delicious, but I remember Ramu Tataki the most👍

my life is journey

my life is journey


미리 구글로 예약해서 다녀왔습니다.
영어메뉴가 따로 없어서 오기 전에 메뉴 공부하면 더 좋을 것 같아요
사시미 모리아와세, 카니고로케, 라무타다끼, 소라요리, 버터감자 이렇게 주문해서 먹었는데
저희 부부 원픽은 라무타다끼!!!! 꼭 드셔보세요 양고기가 미디움레어정도로 익혀서 나오는데 너무너무 맛있어요!! 양 비린내 하나도 안나고 정말 육즙가득 맛있었습니다
사시미도 비린 맛 없이 정말 맛있었네요 소라 요리도 감바스처럼 나오는데 식감도 맛도 훌륭했어요
사장님과 직원분들 접객도 친절하고 좋았습니다 특히 여자 직원분께서 번역어플과 사진으로 추천해주셨는데 감사했어요! 다음에 라무타다끼 먹으러 또 가고싶어요👍🏼👍🏼 (Translated by Google) I made a reservation through Google in advance and went there.
There is no English menu, so it would be better to study the menu before coming.
I ordered and ate sashimi moriawase, kani croquette, ramutadaki, conch dish, and butter potato.
My couple’s favorite pick is Ramutadaki!!!! Be sure to try it. The lamb is cooked to medium rare and is so delicious!! There was no fishy smell at all and the meat was really juicy and delicious.
The sashimi was really delicious without any fishy taste. The conch dish was served like gambas and the texture and taste were great.
The owner and staff were friendly and nice. In particular, the female staff member recommended a translation app and photos, which I was grateful for! I want to go again next time to eat ramutadaki👍🏼👍🏼

Choi Yongjin

Choi Yongjin


홀에서 대응하는 점원들이 엄청 이쁘고 친절해요!!
다만 메뉴에 사진만 있으면 더 좋을 것 같아요 (Translated by Google) The clerks at the hall are very pretty and friendly!!
However, I think it would be better if there were only pictures on the menu.

seowon ji

seowon ji


음식은 대체로 맛있었고, 특히 대게고로케와 버터감자가 맛있었습니다. 모듬회인줄 알고 주문했던 문어회도 맛있었네요. 7시쯤 방문했는데 운좋게 입장했고, 7시반 이후에 워크인으로 들어오는 분들은 입장 못하시더라구요. 웬만하면 예약하고 방문하는걸 추천합니다! 그리고 일어 손글씨 메뉴판밖에 없고 지하라 데이터가 잘 안터져서 미리 주문할 메뉴를 캡쳐해 가시는걸 추천드려요. 직원들이 대부분 영어를 해서 소통엔 문제없었습니다! (Translated by Google) The food was generally delicious, especially the snow crab croquette and butter potatoes. The octopus sashimi I ordered thinking it was mixed sashimi was also delicious. I visited around 7:00 and was lucky enough to get in, but those who walk in after 7:30 are not allowed in. If possible, I recommend making a reservation before visiting! Also, since there is only a handwritten Japanese menu and the data is not working well in the basement, I recommend taking a screenshot of the menu you want to order in advance. Most of the staff spoke English, so communication was no problem!




목요일 저녁에 방문했습니다. 웨이팅 다행히 없었네요.
그러나 메뉴판은 밖에 큰 것만 있나봐요 자리엔 음료메뉴판만 있었음.
게살 고로케 시켰는데, 오우 튀김옷에서도 맛이 엄청남. 그러나 막상 먹으면, 환상까진 아님. 게살 맛 튀김 딱 그느낌 맛있. 근데 가격보고 놀램. 1조각에 7000원정도 했던 것 같은데... 메뉴 사진 보고 시켰는데. 회는 좀 아쉬움이 컸어요. 양도 적고. 우니는 ㄷㄷ 쩔었. (Translated by Google) I visited on a Thursday evening. Luckily there was no wait.
However, I think there was only a large menu outside. There was only a drink menu.
I ordered crab meat croquette, and wow, it tasted amazing even in the batter. But when you actually eat it, it’s not all that fantastic. The fried crab meat flavor is just that delicious. But I was surprised when I saw the price. I think it was around 7,000 won per piece... I ordered it after seeing the menu photo. The raw fish was a bit disappointing. The amount is small. Uni was awesome.




그냥 돌아다니다가 들어간 식당인데 기대 이상이었습니다.
고로케가 그렇게 맛있다길래 먹었는데 맛있습니다👍
모듬회도 신선하고 한 점에 술 한 잔 그냥 들어갑니다.
아쉬운 건 일본어 메뉴판만 있다는 점과 그 메뉴판이 손으로 적은거라서 파파고 번역도 잘 안됩니다...
이전 리뷰보고 분석을 좀 하고 가시는 걸 추천합니다.
조금 가격이 있긴 하지만 맛있고 신선한 해산물을 먹을 수 있는 곳입니다. (Translated by Google) I was just wandering around and went into this restaurant, but it exceeded my expectations.
I heard the croquette was that delicious so I ate it and it was delicious👍
The assorted raw fish is fresh and comes with just one drink.
What's disappointing is that there is only a Japanese menu, and because the menu was written by hand, Papago doesn't translate it well...
I recommend that you read previous reviews and do some analysis.
Although it is a bit pricey, it is a place where you can eat delicious and fresh seafood.

스리나의 미래

스리나의 미래


너무 맛있네요☺️ 최고👍👍
짱 맛있어요!! (Translated by Google) It's so delicious☺️ The best👍👍
It’s so delicious!!

Jonathan Norbiato (Lord Playfan)

Jonathan Norbiato (Lord Playfan)


Hidden gem, would go again, quality of fish is great.

junghye park

junghye park


All the dishes we ordered were amazing!
Fresh seafood and tender beef. The fried shrimp wasnt what we expected but we ordered it twice cuz it was so good. I'll come back next time I'm in Sapporo.
We didn't have a reservation but when we arrived at 6pm, they gave us a table that was reserved for 8pm, which was plenty of time for us. They didn't speak much English but tried their best to be helpful and were accommodating to my 2 little ones 3 & 6yr. I highly recommend!!

Tosh shimons

Tosh shimons





📌 2024.8.22.
예약없이 지하로 내려갔는데, 다행히 바테이블 몇 자리가 남아서 앉을 수 있었습니다. 처음에는 현지인분들만 계셨는데 21시 넘어가니 현지인분들은 가시고 한국인분들이 조금 오시더라구요.
메뉴는 일본어로만 되어있고 그림이나 사진이 없습니다. 입구에 보드판에 메뉴가 있는데, 저희가 모르니 직원이 들고와서 보여주시더라구요. 번역이 잘 안되어 헤매니 직원분이 본인 폰으로 주요 메뉴 사진을 보여주면서 저희가 메뉴를 골랐습니다.
모듬회는 직접 어떤 생선인지 설명해주십니다. 맛있습니다. 우니도 싱싱하고 녹아요. 계란말이는 세 종류(낫또,치즈 등)가 있었는데 저희는 치즈를 먹었어요. 가리비구이와 고둥찜도 맛있네요.
저는 짚보리소주와 고구마소주 한 잔씩 했습니다. 로크(얼음만)로 시켰고 개인스타일에 따라 소다까끼(탄산), 미즈와리(물), 오유와리(뜨거운물)로 드시면 되겠습니다. 다른 분들은 과실주도 맛있게 드셨어요.
한국보다 현지 로컬분위기 느낄 수 있어 좋았습니다. 카드결재가 됩니다. (Translated by Google) 📌 2024.8.22.
I went down to the basement without a reservation, but luckily there were a few bar tables left so I was able to sit down. At first, there were only locals, but after 21:00, the locals left and a few Koreans came.
The menu is only in Japanese and has no pictures or pictures. There was a menu on a board at the entrance, but since we didn't know it, the staff brought it out to show us. Since the translation wasn't working well, we got lost, so the staff member showed us pictures of the main menu on her phone and we chose the menu.
Assorted raw fish is explained directly to you about what kind of fish it is. It's delicious. The uni is also fresh and melts. There were three types of egg rolls (natto, cheese, etc.), and we ate the cheese. Grilled scallops and steamed conch are also delicious.
I had a glass of straw barley soju and a glass of sweet potato soju. I ordered Lok (ice only), and depending on your personal style, you can enjoy it with Sodakaki (carbonated), Mizuwari (water), or Oyuwari (hot water). Other people also enjoyed the fruit wine.
It was nice to be able to feel the local atmosphere rather than Korea. Payment will be made by card.




음식 맛있고 직원들 친절하고 재밌고 삿포로 최고의 맛!!! (Translated by Google) The food is delicious, the staff is friendly and fun, and it’s the best in Sapporo!!!

